
Girls, boys and teachers
Teaching for gender equality in practice 

In this book, Kajsa Wahlström describes and discusses the observations made by her and the other teachers at the preschools Björntomten and Tittmyran of the preschool's activities.

With frightening clarity, they found that the teachers themselves were contributing to girls and boys being given different opportunities, despite the fact that their ambition was to do the opposite. Author: Kajsa Wahlström

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price SEK 224 Incl VAT

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Jungen, Mädchen und Erzieher/innen

In this book, Kajsa Wahlström describes and discusses the observations that she and the other teachers at pre-schools Björntomten and Tittmyran made of the preschool's activities (German translation)

Author: Kajsa Wahlström

Order the book here via Beltz Verlag
Price EUR 19.95

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Price EUR 19.95 

Mina bästa sidor är ordblinda (My best sides are word-blind)

This book aims to show that dyslexia does not have to be a handicap. Many of our leading scientists, politicians, writers, and artists have a dyslexic ability.

There are therefore no objective reasons for people with dyslexia to have poor self-confidence. Quite the reverse! This is the message in the book's nine personal accounts and interviews with people who, thanks to their dyslexia, have succeeded well in life. Sound strange? Read the book to find out more.

Authors: Niklas Hyland, Lennart Hellsing, Petter, Kajsa Wahlström, Jerzy Sarnecki, Torbjörn Lundgren, Bertil Hult, Lotta Lagercrantz, Erik Winqvist.

Order the book here via Adlibris
price SEK 184 Incl VAT

Order the book here via UR
price SEK 204 Incl VAT